Classificació de manilles

- 2021-08-05-

El grilló és un accessori d’aparellament indispensable en les operacions d’elevació de construccions. Grill es pot utilitzar per connectar politges elevadores i eslingues fixes. És una eina de connexió lleugera i flexible que s’utilitza àmpliament.Manilleses poden dividir en manilles de proa i manilles en forma d’U segons les seves característiques d’aspecte. Segons el propòsit, hi ha: manilles de cadena, manilles d’ancoratge i manilles flotants.

(1) La cadenamanilla is a manilla used to connect the anchor chain. When in use, the horizontal bolt should be upward, and the horizontal bolt should be round to prevent it from rotating in the bolt hole and increase its strength. When using, first take out the horizontal bolt of the manilla, put the U-shaped buckle into the anchor chain ring to be connected, and then connect the horizontal bolt in series to an anchor chain ring above. In order to prevent the horizontal bolt from coming out, there is an oblique hole at each of the two ends of the horizontal bolt and the U-shaped buckle for driving the brake oblique pin. In order to prevent the oblique pin from coming out, a green lead seal should be inserted into the cavity left at the pin hole. Before the oblique pin is inserted into the pin hole, calcium-based grease should be applied to prevent rust. 

(2) Ancoratge manilla is the manilla used to connect the anchor chain and the sinker, and the method of use is the same as the chain manilla.

(3) The floating manilla is the manilla used to connect the floating body and the anchor chain, and the method of use is the same as the chain manilla.